Hull Blogs

Aggregated posts from University of Hull students

Where I’m at.

Hello all; it’s been a while. My last blog post was August 2022. Let’s get an update. Graduation. I graduated from the University of Hull on the 21st of July 2022. I attained a 2-1 …
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Fedora - a review after a year of use

tldr I quite like it. Some background information As mentioned in my about section, I've been daily driving Linux since August 2021 but have been using it as part of side projects for years before …
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On switching to nginx properly

Recently, I switched from Nginx Proxy Manager - the Docker container - to bare Nginx. Or more specifically the open source webserver and reverse proxy - there are many other products available. Ther…
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Self host your password manager!

tldr: password managers provided by large companies, while convenient and come with some very nice faeatures are very much vulnerable to having data breaches and can have security issues. You don't wa…
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A (short) end of year update

Hello again, it's been... *checks time and laughs nervously* almost 4 months since my last post. Almost as long as the gap between my PVE and first VPS post, so quite some time. When I first started t…
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Adventures in Snail Hydrotherapy

We've been here before. # Actually, scratch that, bit of a shit opener. Assuming you're a normal, functional human being (i.e., not a snail keeper) you probably haven't been here before. And that's ok…
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VPS setup 2, electric boogaloo

Preface Back in July, I wrote a post detailing what I run on my VPS, some things have changed since then so I thought I'd come back with an update. If you haven't read the previous post I suggest you…
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